
Monday, February 18, 2008

Advance Linux Commands

vi editor- it is use to edit a file. syntax: vi filename Some useful edit Commands in vi editor Esc i-make the file editable Esc w!- Save file Esc q!-quit without saving any changes in the file Esc wq!- quit and saving any changes in the file

grep- it searches for a string in any file. This command is usually use in combination with other commands in order to search for a specific string .
Ex. Show all messages containing pbv

du- prints a summary of the amount of information you have stored in your directories on the mounted disks.syntax: du [options] path
Options: -s print the sum of bytes in your directories -a print a
line for each file in your directory

tail- shows the end of a text file and allow you to view parts of a text file.
Ex. Show last line from /var/log/maillog

head- shows the beginning of a text file and allow you to view parts of a text file.
Ex. Show first 5 lines from /var/log/maillog

locate -to find out where on your Linux server a particular file resides.
Ex. locate folder pbv

More Advance linux commands .soon!!!!

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